Diplomate and Board Certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM), Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Colorado, Chi Huang L.Ac achieved her Masters in Science of Acupuncture at Southwest Acupuncture College, Boulder, CO. She was born and raised in Brazil, where she graduated with a western MD degree. Her focus is to provide safe, effective, and alternative ways to encourage healthy habits and promote wellness. She is trained and interested in treating pain conditions, sports injuries, headache, migraines, Mal de Débarquement Syndrome (MdDS, vertigo, autoimmune disease, sleep disorders, stress, anxiety facial acupuncture and Zhu’s scalp acupuncture.
Why Acupuncture?
“The reason why is that I am an advocate of wellness and well-being. I want people to feel good, feel relaxed, be pain free, have quality sleep and feel rejuvenated. A natural and clean method to manage pain, sleep, emotions, and help our body physiology flow with ease”.
“My personal story with acupuncture started when I was sleep-deprived caring for my two small children at that time, that caused me recurrent episodes of migraine, although I had met many knowledgeable western practitioners, no one could resolve my problem. I saw myself taking many pills a day, which made my pain come back stronger. Well . . . one day, my brain said to myself: “Hey, wake up! Try acupuncture!” And I did. After my first treatment, I was able to sleep so much better, my pain decreased significantly, as well the occurrence of the episodes. My skeptical brain was amazed how fast I was getting better. I stopped all my medications, continued my sessions and felt an overall wellness. I hope you can try it and enjoy the benefits of acupuncture as much as I do”.
“The passion for acupuncture started in Brazil, during medical doctor school learning about western medicine and eastern medicine at Federal University of Alagoas, of course the immediate identification gave me a strong sense of familiarity. Taiwanese-Brazilian growing up in the northeast of Brazil, Maceió, family and friends were the only reference of the Asian medicine. The decision to pursue this knowledge turned into a desire to practice it. It all began when I became a patient myself”.
Chi Huang, L.Ac.